Presentation: Building the eResearch Data-scopes for new Australian Centres of Research Excellence
We highlight how Monash University's eResearch program is supporting the strategy to create a world-class research environment to underpin the research of two new ARC Centres of Excellence:
- ARC Centre of Excellence in Advanced Molecular Imaging
- ARC Centre of Excellence for Integrative Brain Function
Such environments require the orchestration of specialised instruments, data storage and processing facilities, and advanced data visualisation environments. The Clayton Innovation Precinct is now home to a world-unique trifecta to support this vision:
- Advanced scientific instruments located at Monash University, CSIRO, Australian Synchrotron and affiliated medical research institutes;
- Unique data processing capabilities of the Multi-modal Australian ScienceS Imaging and Visualisation Environment (MASSIVE) HPC facility; and
- A world-class immersive visualisation environment for data analysis and collaboration (the CAVE2).
The way in which scientists apply these three capabilities in concert will be an archetype of the way research will be performed in the 21st century.
In this talk we outline the the institutional support structures (the “Talent"), the advanced computing infrastructure (the “Technology") and the agile project processes and management approaches (the “Tolerance" for risk and ambiguity) that have created a solid platform to enable the very best research to be conducted at the Centres of Excellence.