eInfrastructure Development: from Regional to Intercontinental Collaborative Research
Dr Ognjen Prnjat
European and Regional eInfrastructure Management,
Greek Research and Technology Network (GRNet)

The UCT Research Portal: a head-in-the-clouds view…
Professor Ed Rybicki
Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine & Department of Molecular and Cell Biology,
University of Cape Town

NRENs as Enablers of eResearch
Leon Staphorst
Competency Area Manager: South African National Research Network (SANReN)
Meraka Institute, CSIR

Data Citation (Out of cite, out of mind: Current state of play)
Martie van Deventer
Portfolio Manager CSIR’s Information Services

Heine de Jager
Senior Technical Specialist, ICTS,
University of Cape Town

Managing, publishing, and finding data
Lynn Woolfrey
DataFirst, University of Cape Town

Managing, publishing, and finding data
Associate Professor Nicky Mulder
CBIO Group, University of Cape Town